Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I've been sick....

While I've been sick these past few days I've been bored so i got a picture of Selena Gomez and tried to do a stardoll of her ...what do you think?


  1. Why did you steal Jennas old banner from stardolls most wanted?? Lame!

    Why would anyone follow this blog if they already know the owner is a graphics thief!?

  2. srry but the owner which is me doesnt do the banner cause i suck at them the person who did the banner is Miss.h2065.. so discuss that with her and not the owner

  3. to ebony sharie - hey! all i did was copy the body....i'm new at doing these things :*( i'm only 11 year old and you shouldn't blame it on her if i made it! if it keep you happy i'll spend another 4hours trying to design a new one! and any way were just trying to fit in the blogger world is it bad to make use out of something that isn't been used?

    to karina- sorry i got you into this mess! do you want me to make a new one?

  4. Yea just make another one of ur own :] this time lol
